IDMcc for Firefox 27 Update

 How to Install / Update


  1. Click the "Install" button above
  2. Firefox will prompt you to install the Firefox addon.
  3. Click "Allow" to this web site to install the addon in your browser
  4. Don't worry - it's simply safe and only provides IDM integration to your buddy.
  5. Keep looking at the progress bar
  6. While your browser is downloading the addon, look at this beautiful Firefox Cup Cake! 
  1. Click the "Install Now" button
  2. You will probably need to wait a few seconds until the "Install Now" button to activate. 

  1. Restart Firefox
  2. Make sure you have finished all your work and click the Restart button. This will restart Firefox (duh) with the latest version of IDM cc addon installed.
  3. That's it!
  4. Go to Firefox > Addons to make sure that the IDMcc Addon is installed and enabled!

Say Thanks!

: الثلاثاء، فبراير 04، 2014